Each case is analyzed by Dr. Boris Viafara to determine the procedure indicated for each patient.


Completely remodel your figure with LIPO LASER AND LIPOSCULPTURE, in this surgery fat is sucked from different places of the body according to the anatomy and excesses of each patient and each area is molded until achieving a figure in harmony, through the use of Laser & Microaire® achieves greater retraction of the skin and a marked improvement in fibrosis in cases with previous surgeries.

The exclusive latest generation technique of LIPO LASER AND LIPOSCULPTURE HIGH DEFINITION & MICROAIRE®, allows to give the body a more athletic shape, define rectus abdominis, midline, pronunciation of iliac crests, mark pectorals and other areas of the body, it should be noted that this procedure is not for all patients, Dr. Viafara determines in which cases these results can be achieved, depends on the level of fat, muscle tone and quality of the skin.

In some cases GLUTEA LIPOINJECTION is performed, in this procedure the extracted fat is subjected to a special process and injected into the areas necessary to obtain a beautiful figure, especially molding of the buttocks and hips is always seeking harmony with the rest of the body and that the result is as natural as possible.


Dr. Boris Viafara’s exclusive short scar technique, ideal when there is excess skin and / or muscle weakness and a good result cannot be achieved by performing liposuction. In this procedure, makes a transverse incision in the lower abdomen, separates the skin and fat from the muscles to correct and tie them (tying is not synonymous with abdominal marking) and proceeds to stretch the skin as to cut the excess From this, a new navel is made with an inconspicuous scar, with the exclusive technique of Dr. Boris Viafara a much more defined waist is achieved, a shorter scar, compared to that of many surgeons in the world, a flat abdomen and Natural, the length of the incision varies according to the excess fat and skin of each patient.

Abdominoplasty can be combined with LIPO LASER AND LIPOSCULPTURE and LIPOINYECCION GLUTEA to achieve a much more harmonious figure, although it is not recommended to perform HIGH DEFINITION or abdominal marking in the same surgical act, since it increases the risk of necrosis (death) of the skin, but oblique marking and lateral lines are performed.


Exclusive short scar technique from Dr. Boris Viafara , ideal for correcting defects of the abdominal wall when the flaccidity is in the lower abdomen (from the navel down), unlike abdominoplasty, in this technique the navel is not modified, in this procedure a transverse incision in the lower abdomen, separates the skin and fat from the abdominal wall to correct and tie the lower muscles (tie is not synonymous with abdominal marking), proceed to stretch the skin and cut the excess of it, with the technique of Dr. Boris Viafara achieves a much more defined waist, a shorter scar, compared to that of many surgeons in the world and a flat and natural abdomen, the length of the incision can vary depending on the excess fat and skin of each patient.

Unlike abdominoplasty, in this same surgery LIPO LASER AND LIPOSCULPTURE HIGH DEFINITION & MICROAIRE and complemented with GLUTEA LIPOINJECTION if necessary.


It is a surgical technique that consists of placing breast prostheses to increase the size of the breasts, through an incision in the areola or in the submammary sulcus, depending on each case, the prostheses are implanted from behind of the pectoral muscle so that it has more coverage, no drains are left.

The appropriate size is established according to the anatomy of the body and consultation with the patient, During surgery they can be performed other procedures such as correction of widened areolas, inverted or enlarged nipples.

El Dr. Boris Viafara uses BELLAGEL® brand FDA approved medical grade cohesive gel implants. “The unique design of these implants features 6 shell layers including a membrane Fluorosilicone that minimizes the possibility of leaks in the implants, giving it the necessary resistance to withstand the different forces they are subjected to without ruptures. The exclusive surface of BellaGel implants reduces the possibility of contracture and improves their durability ”.

All BELLAGEL® implants have the Premium guarantee program for as long as medical societies recommend their use (10 YEARS) . This guarantee can be made anywhere in the world once the patient enters their data on the Bella Gel website, it also has an extended warranty of 3 years from implantation for medical expenses generated by the change of breast prostheses , that due to their default would have generated the need for change, this is a plus that few brands of breast implants have and that generate great tranquility for our patients, in addition to the beautiful result we obtain when using this prestigious brand.


It is a procedure to correct breast loss, whether due to weight loss, pregnancy or hormonal changes.
With Augmentation Mamopexy, the aim is to relocate the areola and nipple , improve the shape of the breast and if necessary the implantation of BELLAGEL® prostheses to restore the volume.
The surgical technique to use will depend on the quality of the skin, the volume of the tissue of the breast and the size and position of the areola. If the skin is very flaccid, with stretch marks, it means that it has lost its elastic capacity, which will require scars in the lower pole or an inverted T-shape to compensate for excess skin, the more sagging of the skin they will need more resection and therefore the scar will be longer.

Yes, on the contrary, the skin is firm with a medium fall of the breast it is possible to perform a scarred pexia around the areola or periareolar only and thus relocate the position of the breast. During surgery other procedures can be performed such as correction of widened areolas, inverted or enlarged nipples.


It is a procedure to correct saggy breasts, whether due to weight loss, pregnancy or hormonal changes.

Mamopexy without implants is performed when the breast volume is adequate, in this case the appropriate technique is sought to relocate the areola and the nipple and improve the shape of the breast.

The surgical technique to use will depend on the quality of the skin, the volume of the breast tissue and the size and position of the areola. If the skin is very flaccid, with stretch marks, it means that it has lost its elastic capacity, which will require scarring in the lower pole or in an inverted T-shape to compensate for excess skin, the more sagging of the skin they will need more resection of this and therefore the scar will be longer.

If, on the contrary, the skin is firm with a medium fall of the breast it is possible to perform the pexia with the scar around the areola or periareolar only and thus relocate the position of the breast, During surgery other procedures can be performed such as correction of widened areolas, inverted or enlarged nipples.


GYNECOMASTY is an alteration of the male breast that is enlarged.

Gynecomastia occurs when there is a development of the breast tissue that makes it palpable or visible. The solution is to perform a surgical intervention that consists of the removal of the glandular tissue and, sometimes, the liposuction of the existing fatty tissues.

False gynecomastia occurs when, for general obesity, the mammary gland harbors localized fat accumulations. The solution is simple and consists of performing a liposuction.




The most frequent intervention in female intimate surgery is the reduction of the labia minora of the vagina, it is an intervention that can be performed with local anesthesia and sedation, it causes very little discomfort and recovery is quick.


When the labia majora are large and protrude too far, they can be reduced by surgery to correct for size.

On the contrary It can happen that the alteration is associated with a decrease of the labia majora which can be increased by injection of own fat.


The vagina as a result of childbirth or over time may lose tone and become lax, this alteration can be corrected by surgical intervention to replace the vaginal muscles or narrow the vaginal canal.

This type of intervention is performed under general anesthesia in the company of a Gynecologist if necessary.

Patients from abroad must remain in the country for at least 15 days after the procedure, so that the recovery and results are satisfactory and arrive in the country two days before surgery, additionally they must have an International medical assistance policy, National patients must have EPS of the contributory regime.

Surgery performed with a certified anesthesiologist who is in charge of determining the type of anesthesia to be used, is performed in the operating room and specialized clinic, with suitable medical equipment and a policy against complications, which must be acquired by the patient.

Some surgeries are suitable for men and women with prior review of pre-surgical exams.