Facial Surgery


In this procedure, the structure of the nose is improved in order to improve its appearance and symmetry. After medical evaluation, the expectations of the patient will be known and a realistic determination will be made of what the Outcome.

With the technique used by Dr. Boris Viafara with small incisions, very natural results are achieved, always taking care of the functionality of the nose and that breathing is normal, if necessary, the intervention of an ENT specialist was requested to guarantee that the result is beautiful and functional.

Depending on the patient’s anatomy, the technique to be used is determined: Open Rhinoplasty with internal incisions or Open Rhinoplasty for more complex cases.


Bichectomy is the surgery in which small pockets of fat are removed that are located on the cheeks called Bichat balls, achieving with this a profile of the face without scar, since the incision It is done inside the oral cavity.


It is a procedure of facial and neck rejuvenation, in which a stretching of the skin and the superficial muscular fascia system is performed, with this surgery it is possible to improve skin tone, give greater firmness to the face and neck.

There are many surgical techniques for this procedure, Dr. Boris Viafara will define the most convenient type of intervention according to the needs and expectations of each patient.



It is a facial remodeling that consists of the transfer of fat from the same patient to the facial area, it is carried out with aspiration of fat from the body (abdomen, buttocks, hips, etc.) Then the fatty tissue is centrifuged to obtain the part that leaves to be used for infiltration in the areas of the face where there is a depression and to increase the volume either in the cheekbones, lips or chin, to improve the areas such as the eye contour, This technique does not require stitches.

Autologous fat can be defined as the best filler material, with this a facial rejuvenation is achieved since the graft is subjected to a technique that allows to take advantage of all the properties that will generate a progressive rejuvenation


We are leaders in Blepharoplasty, this procedure consists of correcting excess skin and fat pockets on the upper and lower eyelids.

Blepharoplasty is a surgery with a simple postoperative and with wonderful and lasting results, which in addition to the aesthetic benefits can significantly improve the patient’s vision and the functionality of the eye.


Otoplasty seeks to correct the excess projection of the ear as well as the depth of the shell, generally the incisions are made in the posterior part, therefore the scars will be almost imperceptible. < / p>



The Profiloplasty is a set of techniques designed to harmonize the anatomical units of the facial profile seeking maximum beauty. Dr. Boris Viafara in the medical evaluation will determine the necessary procedures to highlight the beauty of his patients.


It is a facial liposuction that seeks to extract excess fat in the mandibular or dewlap area and generate retraction of sagging skin, thereby improving facial contour.